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Conditions of use

General Terms and Conditions of Use 

1. Mandatory information on the Owner of the Website: 

Astara Move Switzerland AG 

Richtiplatz 5

8304 Wallisellen (Zurich) 

VAT No.: CHE-196.722.773 


2. Introduction 

This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) owned by Astara Move Switzerland AG, with registered office at Richtiplatz 5, 8304 Wallisellen (Zurich), and with VAT number CHE-196.722.773, (hereinafter referred to as “ASTARA MOVE” or the “Owner”) duly registered in the Commercial Register of Zurich. 

Access to the Website is free of charge except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the access provider contracted by users. 

3. Acceptance 

Use of the Website is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Use and implies acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Use contained in this Legal Notice. 

Users are recommended to carefully read this Legal Notice periodically, as the General Terms and Conditions of Use contained therein may undergo modifications. 

Some services accessible to users through the Website may be subject to special conditions that, where appropriate, will replace, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice and must be accepted by the user before starting the corresponding service. ASTARA MOVE reserves the right to unilaterally modify the General Terms and Conditions of Use of this Website. 

Any changes in this respect will be published in a visible location on the Website so that the user is aware of them before visiting the Website. 

4. Navigation, access and security 

Accessing and browsing this Website implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings and General Terms and Conditions of Use contained therein. ASTARA MOVE makes every effort to ensure that browsing is carried out in the best possible conditions and to avoid any type of damage that may be caused during browsing. 

This Website has been designed to support Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome browsers. 

The Owner is not liable for any damages of any kind that may be caused to users through the use of other browsers or different versions of the browsers for which the Website has been designed. 

This Website is accessed in a secure environment, using an encrypted SSL server certificate. 

5. Obligations of the user 

5.1 Obligation to make proper use of the Website 

The conditions of access and use of this Website are subject to current legislation and the principles of good faith and lawful use by the user, who is generally prohibited from any action against ASTARA MOVE that is contrary to this Legal Notice. 

The user undertakes to use the service without engaging in any activity that could be considered illicit or illegal, that could infringe the rights of ASTARA MOVE or third parties, or that could damage, disable, overload or impair the Website or prevent its normal use by other users. 

5.2 Request for content 

Users must refrain from making any request for content offered through this Website using means or procedures other than those made available to them or indicated on the Website, or other than those normally used on the internet. Furthermore, such requests must not entail the risk of rendering the Website and its content unusable. 

5.3 Prohibitions 

The use of this Website for illegal or unauthorised purposes is prohibited, in particular, and without limitation to: 

1. Any form of violation of the rights of third parties (right to privacy, right to one’s own image, intellectual and industrial property rights, etc.). 

2. Using the contents of this Website to carry out any type of advertising, such as sending unsolicited e-mails (spam) or similar communication. 

3. Introducing computer viruses, defective files or any other software or computer program that may cause damage or unauthorised alterations to the contents or systems accessible through this Website. 

6. News 

The information appearing on this Website is current as of the date of its last update. The Owner reserves the right to update, modify or delete information on this Website. Users are recommended to periodically access this Website for possible updates. 

7. Intellectual property 

All the information contained in this Website, as well as its graphic design and the codes used, are protected by copyright or other protection rights. These rights belong exclusively to ASTARA MOVE or its licensors. For this reason, any act of reproduction, distribution, transformation or public communication, as well as any type of transmission, of all or part of the contents of this site and, in general, of any object that is protected by intellectual property legislation in force, is expressly prohibited. 

All content on the Website and all content available through the Owner’s products and services including designs, text, graphics, images, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, as well as their selection and arrangement (hereinafter referred to as the “Content”) are the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors, with all rights reserved. No part of the Content of the Website may be modified, copied, distributed, framed, reproduced, republished, downloaded, extracted, displayed, posted, transmitted or sold in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Owner. Provided that the user is entitled to use the Website, the Owner grants a limited licence to use and access the Website and the Website Content and to download lawfully and only for personal, non-commercial use, the Content thereof, provided that all copyright and intellectual property notices are kept intact. The user must not upload or republish Website Content on any internet, intranet or extranet site or integrate the information into any database or compilation. Any other use of the Website Content is strictly prohibited. 

The Content of this Website must not be used for public dissemination or commercial purposes, and must not be modified without the prior written consent of the Owner. 

8. Trademarks 

All trademarks, logos and anagrams displayed on this site are the property of ASTARA MOVE or third-party companies. It is expressly forbidden to use, without prior consent, any element of this Website that is subject to protection in accordance with current legislation on industrial property. In particular, trademarks, trade names, shop signs, names, logos, slogans or any type of distinctive sign belonging to the Owner must not be used. 

9. Privacy Policy 

Information on ASTARA MOVE’s Privacy Policy is available through the Privacy Policy channel at this link

10. Cookies 

Any information regarding the cookies used on this Website, as well as the options for their modification or deinstallation, are available through the Cookie Policy channel. 

ASTARA MOVE may use cookies when accessing this Website. Cookies are automatic processes for collecting information relating to the preferences determined by a user during their visit to a particular website. This information is recorded in small files that are imperceptibly stored on the user’s computer equipment. Each time the user accesses the web page in question again, these files are automatically activated so that the page is configured with the preferences indicated during previous visits. In short, cookies are physical files containing personal information stored in the user’s own terminal and unequivocally associated with this terminal. Cookies cannot read cookie files created by other websites. 

Users can configure their browser to prevent the creation of cookie files or to warn them when this occurs. The Website is accessible without the need for the options relating to cookie files to be activated, although it may prevent the correct functioning of security mechanisms for exclusive services or certain services that require greater security. As a general rule, the purpose of the cookie files on the website is to facilitate the user’s browsing. 

11. Hyperlinks 

Any user who wishes to create links from their own website to the ASTARA MOVE Website must comply with the conditions set out below, and ignorance of them will not exempt them from their legal responsibilities: 

1. The link may only refer to the homepage or main page and must not reproduce these in any form (online links, copying of text, graphics, etc.). 

2. It is prohibited in any case, in accordance with the legislation in force at any given time, to create frames of any kind that surround this page or that allow the contents to be viewed through internet addresses other than its own, and in any case when they are viewed together with contents that do not belong to the Website, in such a way that: (i) produces, or may produce, error, confusion or deception in users about the true origin of the service or contents; (ii) involves an act of unfair comparison or imitation; (iii) serves to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of ASTARA MOVE; or (iv) in any other way is prohibited by current legislation. 

3. No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements about ASTARA MOVE, its employees or the activities it carries out may be published on the page from which the link is made. 

4. Under no circumstances should it be stated on the page where the link is located that ASTARA MOVE has given its consent to the inclusion of the link or that it otherwise sponsors, collaborates with, verifies or supervises the services of the sender. 

5. The use of any word, graphic, mixed brand or any other distinctive mark of ASTARA MOVE within the sender’s page is prohibited except in the cases permitted by law or expressly authorised by ASTARA MOVE in the manner established in this clause. 

6. The page from which the link is made must faithfully comply with the law and must not under any circumstances provide or link to its own or third-party content that: (i) is illegal, harmful or contrary to morals and good customs (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (ii) induces or may induce the user to falsely believe that ASTARA MOVE subscribes to, endorses, adheres to or in any way supports the ideas, statements or expressions, manifestations or expressions of the sender; (iii) induce or may induce the user to the false conception that ASTARA MOVE subscribes, endorses, adheres to or in any way supports the ideas, statements or expressions, legal or illegal, of the sender; (iv) are inappropriate or not pertinent to ASTARA MOVE’s activity in relation to the place, contents and theme of the sender’s website. 

In any case, ASTARA MOVE reserves the right to prohibit links to its Website and to demand their removal should they not comply with the conditions required in this section. 

12. Liability 

The user is solely liable for any infringements that may be incurred or damages that may be caused to third parties due to improper or illegitimate use of the Website. 

ASTARA MOVE will not be liable for any possible damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of the electronic or computer systems, caused by reasons beyond the company’s control, delays or blockages in the use of these systems caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines, in the internet system or other electronic systems. 

ASTARA MOVE does not guarantee the veracity and is not liable for any consequences that may arise from errors in the contents provided by third parties that may appear on this Website. 

Likewise, ASTARA MOVE is not liable for the contents, products or services that can be viewed through electronic links, directly or indirectly, through the Website. In the event that a user considers that there is a linked site with illegal or inappropriate content, he/she must inform ASTARA MOVE. 

The links do not necessarily represent the existence of a relationship between ASTARA MOVE and the individuals and entities that own the pages to which they provide access, nor the recommendation, promotion or identification of ASTARA MOVE with the statements, contents or services provided through them. ASTARA MOVE reserves the right to withdraw unilaterally and at any time the links that appear on its Website. 

ASTARA MOVE does not know the contents and services of the linked sites and, therefore, is not liable for the damages caused by the unlawfulness, quality, outdatedness, unavailability, error and uselessness of the same or for any other damage that is not directly attributable to ASTARA MOVE. 

ASTARA MOVE is not liable for the cookies that third parties may install on the hard disk of the user’s computer. 

13. Communications 

For any communication that may be necessary, please send an e-mail to, get in touch by telephone at 0800 80 80 10 or send a written communication to Astara Move Switzerland AG at Richtiplatz 5, 8304 Wallisellen. 


The user expressly accepts the use of e-mail as a valid procedure for sending communications. 

14. Jurisdiction and applicable law 

The terms and conditions governing this Website and all relationships that may arise from it are safeguarded by Swiss law. 

Any dispute that may arise from access to or use of this Website is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts that have jurisdiction over the user’s place of residence. 

© 2024 Astara Move Switzerland AG. All rights reserved. 


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